Creating a Hello World Kernel Module


These steps outline how to modify the kernel source tree to include a new “Hello, World!” kernel module. This module only performs the trivial task of printing messages to the console when it is loaded or removed. However, it still serves as a useful illustration of how kernel modules are generally structured and how to integrate a new module into the existing kernel codebase.


This tutorial assumes you already have a working virtual machine set up on our maize server and that you are able to boot a kernel you have compiled yourself on that VM. See our earlier tutorial on installing a custom kernel in a VM if you have not already completed these tasks.

Obtaining the Source Code

First, you will need to obtain the source code for our simple kernel module. You should already have cloned a copy of the Linux kernel source tree from a previous tutorial, i.e., you should see something like the following:

>> git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)

We have set up a local git repository on maize containing the source code for this tutorial as a branch. We may choose to use this local git repository for future activities, so it is worthwhile to add it to your own repository at this time:

>> git remote add maize /srv/git/linux
>> git remote -v
    maize   /srv/git/linux (fetch)
    maize   /srv/git/linux (push)
    origin (fetch)
    origin (push)

Next, we’ll update the new maize remote and switch to the new hello_module branch available from that remote.

>> git remote update maize
# Should see some ouptut about new information from this remote
>> git branch hello_module maize/hello_module
Branch 'hello_module' set up to track remote branch 'hello_module' from 'maize'.
>> git switch hello_module
>> git branch
* hello_module

Walking Through the Source Code

This branch includes a few changes to the upstream Linux kernel source. In short, it adds a new kernel module whose sole purpose is to print the string Hello, World! when the module is loaded and to print the string Goodbye, World! when the module is removed.

A module is a unit of code that can be dynamically loaded or removed from the kernel at runtime, rather than at compile time. This is often useful with device drivers, as it allows the kernel to load only the drivers it needs for the specific hardware configuration on which it is running, leaving out drivers for irrelevant devices. The module in this tutorial can be viewed as a trivial device driver.

Most of the relevant code for this tutorial is in the drivers/staging/hello_world subdirectory of the kernel tree. Feel free to go to this directory and browse its files with the editor of your choice. A few items of note are summarized below.


  • The functions hello_world_init and hello_world_exit will be called when this kernel module is loaded and removed, respectively.

  • Kernel code doesn’t use printf as you are likely accustomed to from userspace C programs. Instead, it uses the printk function, which has a generally similar usage.

  • A few macros are used at the bottom of the C file to specify the description, author, and license for the module. These are required for any well-formed module in the kernel codebase.


  • The SPDX-License-Identifier (also included in the C source) specifies the license for this code. It is a useful shorthand that is used in place of reproducing the full text of the license (here, GPL Version 2). Licensing is an important issue in open-source software development that is beyond the scope of this tutorial.

  • The second line of this file integrates our module with the larger kernel configuration system (discussed below).

Kernel Configuration

The remaining changes in the hello_world_module branch allow our new kernel module to be integrated with the kernel configuration system. You may remember that when you built your first kernel, you had to generate a configuration before compilation, linking, etc. could take place. Among many other things, this allows you to specify which modules are built into the kernel, which modules are made available to load at runtime, and which modules are left out of the built kernel.

We want to be able to apply this same configuration logic to our new, custom module, so the following files are changed or modified:

  • drivers/staging/hello_world/Kconfig

  • drivers/staging/Makefile

  • drivers/staging/Kconfig

To begin, generate a default configuration file:

>> make defconfig

Next, you will need to manually edit the just-generated .config file to make the following changes:

  1. Change the commented out text # CONFIG_STAGING is not set to instead read CONFIG_STAGING=y.

  2. Add a new line immediately below this that reads CONFIG_HELLO_WORLD=y.

Save your work and then reconfigure your kernel based on these new changes:

>> make oldconfig

At this point, go ahead and rebuild a new version of the Linux kernel, hopefully including our new module, using some sensible value for the -j flag to benefit from our server’s multiple cores.

>> make -j 20

You may get a few prompts about the inclusion of other device drivers in your built kernel. Type in n for all of these prompts.

Kernel Installation

You are now ready to install your new custom kernel on your virtual machine. This was covered in detail in a previous tutorial, and you should follow the instructions there.

It’s recommended that you create a snapshot of your virtual machine in its current, working state before installing a new kernel.

>> virsh snapshot-create-as ubuntu22 before_hello

Here is a very brief recap of the steps to install and boot a custom kernel in your VM:

  1. Mount the VM’s file system in the host using the guestmount command.

  2. Use make to install the kernel and its modules in the mounted filesystem.

  3. Unmount the VM guest’s filesystem from the host.

  4. Run the guestunmount command to unmount the VM’s file system.

  5. Boot into your VM with the virsh tool.

  6. Run the initupdate-ramfs and update-grub commands in your VM.

  7. Reboot the virtual machine.

Booting the New Kernel

At this point, you likely have several kernel versions installed on your VM. You will most likely see the following versions reflected in /boot and on the GRUB menu when your VM starts up. They likely look something like the following:

  1. 5.15.0-52-generic

  2. 5.15.0-92-generic

  3. 6.8.0-rc3

  4. 6.8.0-rc3-00001-gc4cbdfd00f16

The first two versions came with the base Ubuntu 22.04 installation and the third version was installed in our previous VM and kernel boot tutorial. You should boot the last, most recent version as it will contain our new module.

The kernel module should have printed out a message to the console when your VM booted up, but it probably went by too quickly for you to notice. We’ll use the journalctl tool to review the logs from our most recent kernel boot.

    >> uname -a
    Linux kerneldev 6.8.0-rc3-00001-gc4cbdfd00f16
>> journalctl -b
# Boot Log Messages Appear on Screen

If you search this output, you should find the following line:

Feb 04 22:23:38 kerneldev kernel: Hello, World!

Where the date at the left will likely be different for you. Congratulations, you have now booted a kernel containing some of your own custom code!

One useful hint: The -b flag for journalctl indicates we want to read logs from the system boot. We can also view logs from previous boots of our virtual machine as follows:

>> journalctl -b -1 # View logs from previous boot
>> journalctl -b -2 # View logs from two boots ago
>> journalctl -b -3 # View logs from three boots ago

Recovering from a Broken Kernel

One you actually start hacking on kernel code, you are likely to introduce bugs that may cause a kernel panic, where your VM fails to boot at all. This is precisely why we are working within virtual machines rather than directly on a real system.

To address this, you should get into the habit of snapshotting your VM when it is in a working state and before you try booting a new, unproven kernel.

Let’s snapshot our VM now that our simple kernel module is working.

>> virsh snapshot-create-as ubuntu_22 after_hello
Domain snapshot after_hello created

Next, say we intentionally introduce an error in our kernel module:

 static int __init hello_world_init(void)
     char * c = NULL;
     printk("*c = %c\n", *c);
     return 0;

If we follow the usual steps to build and install this kernerl in our VM, we should expect to see some kind of failure because we’re dereferencing a null pointer.

Note: If you’re following along and make this change, then compile and install your kernel, you’ll end up with a new set of files in /boot and a new GRUB menu entry called something like 6.8.0-rc3-0001-...-dirty, since you are creating a kernel based changes that are uncommitted to git.

Booting this kernel should produce a message indicating that a panic has occurred and including a bunch of diagnostic information. At this point, you should detach from your VM session with the key sequence <Ctrl>]. You can then shut down your VM with the virsh destroy command (don’t worry, the destroy command sounds more serious than it is – it shuts off your VM but you won’t lose anything as a result).

At this point, you have a couple of options with your VM. You can continue to use it, being sure to select some working kernel version from the GRUB menu at boot. Or, you can restore your VM from a snapshot to bring it back to a working state.

The second option is recommended as it doesn’t depend on the error-prone process of reading GRUB menu output in the console and always choosing the correct menu entry.

To restore our virtual machine back to its state before we installed the buggy kernel, we can use the following command:

>> virsh snapshot revert ubuntu22 after_hello
>> virsh start ubuntu22 --console
# Should now see a successful boot

Loading a Buggy Kernel Module

Change the line for the hello world kernel module in your .config file from


to the following:


This will make our code available to the kernel as a module to load at runtime, but it will not incorporate it directly into the kernel as it did before.

Now, we reconfigure our kernel with make oldconfig, then recompile and reinstall the new kernel into our virtual machine. Reboot your virtual machine, making sure to select the 6.8.0-rcc-00001-...-dirty kernel version.

You should now see your VM boot successfully. Since our module was not automatically loaded, its bug has not (yet) affected our system. Let’s now instruct the kernel to load our module:

>> sudo modprobe hello_world
# Should see error messages reflecting kernel panic

Now, we can observe that, while loading the module failed due to the bug in its initialization logic, the system itself stays up and running.

Future Goal: Kernel Build Script

Eventually, we should aim to have a script that takes care of the tedium around building and installing a new kernel (compiling, mounting the guest VM’s file system, etc.). One important part of this script will likely be generating a snapshot of the VM, so that we always have a working configuration to fall back to.

The current issue preventing our developing such a script is identifying a method to run commands in the VM from a script executed on the host. This will be necessary for the update-initramfs and update-grub commands.

If anyone would like to investigate this or knows of a solution, it would be a valuable contribution to the group!