Creating a Simple Encryption Module


This tutorial discusses the implementation of a kernel module that performs encryption of text using a very simple Caesar cipher. Be aware that referring to a Caesar cipher as an encryption mechanism is a charitable characterization, as it is trivial to break. Expect no real security benefits from this encryption. Instead, we have chosen this task because it motivates a number of challenges that you will encounter repeatedly in kernel development: dynamically allocating memory, using pre-defined kernel structures, and basic input/output.


This tutorial assumes you already have a working virtual machine set up on our maize server, that you are able to compile, install, and boot your own kernel on this virtual machine, and that you have worked through the “Hello, World!” module tutorial. Refer back to those tutorials if you need a refresher on those topics.

Obtaining the Source Code

First, you will need to obtain the source code for our Caesar cipher kernel module. You should already have a remote set up to access our git repository hosted locally on maize. That is, you should see something like the following in your Linux source tree:

>> git remote -v
    maize   /srv/git/linux (fetch)
    maize   /srv/git/linux (push)
    origin (fetch)
    origin (push)

Next, we’ll update the maize remote and switch to the new caesar branch available from that remote.

>> git remote update maize
# Should see some ouptut about new information from this remote
>> git branch caesar maize/caesar
Branch 'caesar' set up to track remote branch 'caesar' from 'maize'.
>> git switch caesar
>> git branch
* caesar

Walking Through the Source Code

Like the previous “Hello, World!” module, this branch includes a few changes to the upstream Linux kernel source. It adds a new directory, drivers/staging/caesar and adds the necessary Makefiles and Kconfig files to integrate this new directory into the larger kernel configuration system. Most of these changes are identical in nature to the “Hello, World!” module and will not be discussed in detail here.

The caesar.c file is the main point of interest. It has quite a bit more code than we saw for the “Hello, World!” module, although the general structure remains the same.

debugfs and the File Interface

The caesar module uses a feature of the Linux kernel known as debugfs. Briefly, debugfs allows kernel developers to provide information and functionality accessible as “files” under /sys/kernel/debug. One can interact with these files by opening, reading, and writing as one would do with any normal file. However, unlike traditional files, which represent a sequence of bytes stored persistently on disk, debugfs files are much more flexible. Reading a debugfs file might return the contents of a specific location in memory, for example. You should therefore think of reads and writes against debugfs files more as invocations against an API rather than direct reads and writes to the contents of a disk.

In our particular module, writing a chunk of text to the associated debugfs file will encrypt that text using a Caesar cipher. Reading from the file will return ciphertext (encrypted text) back to the reader. Note that our module will have no memory, i.e., it will only retain encrypted text for the most recently written plaintext.

Module Init and Exit

Just like in our simple “Hello, World!” module, the module_init and module_exit macros at the end of caesar.c specify which functions are invoked when the module is initialized and when it exits.

When our module is initialized, we need to create a new debugfs file to be made available to the user. First, we create a caesar directory, then we create a file named encrypt within that directory. This means our encryption system will be accessible to the user through reads and writes to the file /sys/kernel/debug/caesar/encrypt.

If you’ve taken an operating systems class, you may remember that nodes in the file system’s tree correspond to entries in a hierarchical system of directories. The module initialization code creates a directory entry for the caesar directory and for the encrypt file, both represented as instances of struct dirent. Note that the directory entry for the caesar file is saved as a global variable. This allows us to save it for later use in the module exit, where we remove this directory and all of its contents to clean up after ourselves.

The debugfs_create_file function specifies the name and permissions for the new file. S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR makes the file readable and writable for its owner. The last argument is especially important: it specifies which functions are invoked when the file is read or written. This is represented by an instance of the struct file_operations type. Such an instance is declared immediately above the caesar_init function.

The file_operations_caesar_struct has two of its fields initialized. read identifies which function is called when the file is read (here, read_caesar) and which function is called when the file is written (here, write_caesar). A struct file_operations is used often in the Linux kernel codebase and has several other fields to specify logic for other file operations. Here, we have a minimal file definition that only supports basic reading and writing.

Writing Plaintext

The write_caesar function is invoked whenever the encrypt debugfs file is written to, thanks to our setup during module initialization. Our goal is to take a body of text provided by the user, encrypt it using a Caesar cipher, and then preserve this encrypted text for future reads against the file.

A few variable declarations occur at the beginning of the function. This is in accordance with the expected style for Linux kernel code.

The ppos argument can be used to specify an offset for a file read or file write. In our case, that doesn’t apply as our file holds just one item of information and is not seekable in the usual sense. Therefore, we first verify that ppos is 0 and return an error if it is not. In a more traditional file, one would need to account for the offset in determining where to read or write bytes within the file’s overall contents.

Our module can’t operate directly on user memory. We immediately know that the buf parameter points to such memory because it has a __user tag attached to it. Therefore, we need to allocate memory within the kernel to hold a copy of the user’s original data. This will also be convenient for our use case because we can then iterate through this in-kernel buffer to perform our encryption and we can save a pointer to this buffer to access for any later read operations.

We use the kzalloc function to allocate kernel memory. It is similar to the malloc function you may be used to from userspace C programming. The z in the function’s name indicates that the allocated chunk of memory will be zeroed out for us. This is a common practice in kernel coding as it addresses some security concerns. There are several different flags one can specify as the second argument to kzalloc that are well documented. GFP_KERNEL just says that we need some general-purpose memory without any special considerations.

Error handling is important in kernel code. The caesar module uses the IS_ERR macro on the pointer returned from kzalloc to check for an error. Linux kernel functions traditionally return negative integer values to indicate errors. The PTR_ERR macro converts our pointer to such a negative integer to indicate what went wrong.

copy_from_user, as expected, copies bytes from a userspace buffer into our allocated kernel buffer. The return value may seem slightly strange to you – it is the number of uncopied bytes. If an error occurs, then the return value will be nonzero, otherwise it is 0.

Our implementation assumes the text to be encrypted is a properly null-terminated string, and this is verified before we proceed. Kernel code generally needs to be very careful with anything passed in from the user to ensure it meets the expected assumptions.

The Caesar encryption comes next. It is a bit tedious and isn’t any different in a kernel setting from it would be in userspace. It iterates through each character in the user’s original input and does roughly the following:

  1. Check if the current character is an uppercase or lowercase letter.

  2. If so, shift it forwards three positions in the alphabet. A becomes D, B becomes E, and so on.

  3. If the shift goes “past the end” of the alphabet, we wrap around again to the beginning. For example, the letter Z becomes C.

Finally, we need a place to hold a pointer to the modified buffer that will persist between file reads and writes. You might also remember from an OS class that directory entries typically correspond to an inode in the underlying file system. In Linux, the inode struct conveniently has a void * field named i_private that we can use as we see fit. Therefore, we’ll just modify this field to point to the buffer holding the ciphertext. Note that this uses the global variable stash_ptr that was first set up during module initialization. If this pointer is not NULL, it refers to a previously constructed batch of ciphertext from a previous write, and we use kfree to deallocate this (now unnecessary) buffer.

Note that this function returns the number of bytes “written” to the file, i.e., the length of the ciphertext. This corresponds to the expected return value of a write system call in Unix.

Reading Ciphertext

Most of the heavy lifting happens with a write. Reading from the caesar/encrypt debugfs file is relatively simple.

We first verify that ppos is 0 as we did for a write. Then, we use the strnlen function to compute the length of the stored ciphertext. Note that this is written to ensure that at most count bytes are used. The end of the ciphertext is cut off if the user does not ask to read enough total bytes (although, in this case, the result of a read will no longer be a properly null-terminated string).

copy_to_user copies bytes from our kernel buffer, accessed via the same inode field as before, to user memory. The meaning of its return value are the same as copy_from_user – the number of uncopied bytes. We check for a copying error and otherwise return the number of bytes copied. This corresponds to the expected return value of a read system call in Unix.

Testing the Module

Note that you will need to make the following changes to the .config file in your Linux repository:


Compile a new kernel with this code in place, configured as needed, and install it on your virtual machine. We’re now ready to test out the code!

All we really need to do is issue system calls to write and then read from the appropriate file. We should be able to read back the encrypted form of what was written immediately before.

Here’s a rudimentary C program to “encrypt” the text Hello, World!. You may want to add some error checking for easier debugging.

int main() {
    char *message = "Hello, World!\n";
    int fd = open("/sys/kernel/debug/caesar/encrypt", O_WRONLY);
    write(fd, message, strlen(message) + 1);

    char buf[512];
    fd = open("/sys/kernel/debug/caesar/encrypt", O_RDONLY);
    read(fd, buf, 512);
    printf("Ciphertext: %s\n", buf);

    return 0;

What’s Next?

There are lots of things you might try to do from here. Here are a couple of ideas:

  • Write a kernel module to carry out a more sophisticated encryption scheme. A Caesar cipher is about as simple (and unsecure) as you can get.

  • Extend this module to perform decryption as well as encryption. You could create a second debugfs file at caesar/decrypt that performs the inverse of what we’ve seen here for reading and writing.